GGI Litigation & Dispute Resolution Practice Group Meeting in Malta: Open Mic session
Michiel Teekens
Our unique LDR PG meeting offers you the opportunity to introduce yourself, both personally and professionally, to fellow legal experts from diverse jurisdictions. In the spirit of an "open mic" session, we encourage you to share insights into an intriguing case or issue related to cross-border litigation & dispute resolution that you are currently engaged with. Whether you're working on groundbreaking litigation, a challenging arbitration, or navigating complex cross-border legal frameworks or strategies, this is your stage to shed light on the intricacies of international law that shape our practices. Connect with a global community of attorneys at law and other expects in the field of litigation & dispute resolution, expanding your professional network and fostering potential collaborations. Elevate your professional profile by sharing your experiences and insights. Learn from the experiences and challenges of your peers, enriching your understanding of international law across different contexts. Let’s go and join our session!”
Contact me if you have any questions or suggestions.
Michiel TeekensGlobal Chair of the GGI LDR PG