Paul Simmons
The impact of global affairs is as significant as ever. And the consequences are increasingly effecting our day to day lives. In the UK yesterday the government tested a new warning sound to all mobile phones. While there was no immediate purpose for this the principle has unsettled many people and it was curious the government considered the test necessary or appropriate.
Our clients and our internal teams are having to deal with the effect on our countries from these global events. On one hand inflation is almost out of control in many countries and in my firm we have given our highest pay rises to help our team financially. On the other hand interest rates keep increasing and certainly the UK property market is going through a very uncertain period with price reductions in London and surrounding area.
Against this uncertain and changing background it is critical that we as advisers can provide informed and insightful advice to our clients. Most of our clients own real estate through their companies or personally and it normally represents a material investment of their wealth. This newsletter includes articles from around the world on current topics and I am very grateful to each of the contributors for their valuable input.
The next opportunity to be informed on international real estate markets will be at Real Estate Practice Group meeting in Amsterdam next month. Do come to the meeting and learn and share about this key area for our clients. I am delighted many are attending the conference and it will be great to reconnect again and despite the challenging times enjoy each others’ company and look forward to how we deal with the changes around us.
If you are interested in joining this Practice Group or if you have news that you would like to share with the group in the autumn edition of this newsletter or at a GGI conference in 2023, please let me know.
I do hope you are able to travel to Amsterdam and look forward to seeing you there.
With very best wishes
Paul SimmonsResponsible Editor & Global Chair of the GGI Real Estate PG
GGI member firmHaines WattsMore than 60 offices throughout the UKT: +44 207 025 4656
Advisory, Auditing & Accounting, Corporate Finance, Fiduciary& Estate Planning, Tax
DisclaimerThe information provided in this newsletter came from reliable sources and was prepared from data assumed to be correct; however, prior to making it the basis of a decision, it must be verified. Ratings and assessments reflect the personal opinion of the respective author only. We neither accept liability for, nor are we able to guarantee, the content. This publication is for GGI internal use only and intended solely and exclusively for GGI members.
Paul is Senior Partner with Haines Watts. His objective with the business owners he works with is to establish key financial goals, develop a plan to reach them and provide support along the way. The key areas he advises on include re-organisations, corporate restructures, MBOs and operational reviews. Contact Paul.