Highlighting our members
We would like to take this opportunity to highlight our members who in 2023 are celebrating being a part of GGI | Global Alliance for the last 10 years! We’ve loved having them in our #ggifamily and we look forward to many more adventures and collaborations together.
GGI is the largest multi-disciplinary association of professional and independent accounting, legal, tax and consulting firms globally, with 648 members who have 870+ offices in 126 countries.
Little & Co., India
AIOS GmbH, Germany
ATG Allgäuer Treuhand GmbH, Germany
BVNT. Binz Vogel Stüttgen PartGmbB, Germany
Connex Steuer- und Wirtschaftsberatung GmbH, Germany
CONTAX WirtschaftstreuhandgmbH, Austria
Dansk Revision, Denmark
DGST Réviseurs d'entreprises, Belgium
FACT GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Germany
Gehrke Econ Group, Germany
Rantalainen Accounting Services Ltd, Finland
Revisjonsfirmaet Flattum & Co AS, Norway
Schweizerische Treuhandgesellschaft (STG), Switzerland
Spigulis & Kukainis Attorneys at law, Latvia
Studio Sistini-Grossi, Italy
Studio Signori - Professionisti Associati, Italy
TMC LLC, Georgia
Treuhand- und Revisionsgesellschaft Mattig-Suter und Partner, Switzerland
Ward Hadaway, UK
WSB Wolf Beckerbauer Hummel & Partner, Germany
ACN Capital, Chile
Alianza Auditores CPA, Panama
Dannible & McKee, LLP, USA
Grossman Yanak & Ford LLP, USA
Moritt Hock & Hamroff LLP, USA
Offit Kurman, Attorneys At Law, USA
Walsh King Chartered Professional Accountants, Canada
Welborn Sullivan Meck & Tooley, P.C., USA